Submit a proposal > Methods

Proposals should be submitted by 4th May 2024 :

You can log in with a sciencesconf or HAL account to access your personal "My submissions" area.

Note: It is imperative to follow the recommendations of the Applicant's Guide and that the summaries must be anonymized.

 Contact email address:


Each conference contribution should show how the specific research or project illustrates or responds to the general title of the conference.

Languages of the conference: English and French (all other languages are welcome but must provide a translation into English or French).

Panels (in rooms, 90 minute-slots): Each panel session should include 3-4 presenters including the discussant. The panel organiser should submit a short proposal (max 300 words) including:

  • the title of the panel,
  • the conference theme in which the session is situated,
  • a list of the presentations of the panel
  • a description of the topic and the panel’s general theme.

The panel leader/coordinator should also submit the abstracts of the presentations to be included in the panel on behalf of the presenters. Abstracts (max 300 words) should clearly indicate:

  • the title of the presentation
  • the theoretical, methodological and analytical frameworks employed
  • 2 keywords
  • 2 references 

Discussions with the public are included in this 90-minute slot.

Round Table (in amphitheatre, 30-minute slots):  Each round table should include 3-5 presenters and a discussant. The round table organiser should submit a short proposal (max 300 words) including:

  • the title of the round table
  • the conference theme in which the session is situated
  • a description of the topic and the round table’s discussion theme
  • 3 keywords
  • 3 references

The round table will be followed by a 15-minute discussion with the audience.

Presentations/posters (in rooms, 20 minute-slots): Participants proposing an individual presentation, a 2-person presentation or a poster should submit an abstract (max 300 words) and clearly indicate:

  • the title of the presentation/poster
  • the field of study in which the work is situated;
  • whether the presentation/poster will be theoretical or empirical;
  • the theoretical, methodological and analytical frameworks employed;
  • a list of 3 keywords and 3 references.

All presentations will be followed by a 10-minute discussion.

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