Bordeaux - IALIC - 24th international conference

Towards a plurilingual curriculum: fostering pluricultural communication in the digital age

This international conference is part of a multidisciplinary approach to languages and cultures in applied linguistics (didactique des langues), drawing in particular on language sciences, sociolinguistics, education sciences, political sciences and info-com.

Taking place from 28th to 30th November 2024 in Bordeaux, participants are invited to (re)think about language teaching/learning, whether formal or informal, as an objective of intercultural communication. The plurilingual and pluricultural perspective calls for a fundamental reconsideration of the language and culture curriculum. In a changing world where vital challenges such as climate change, social and cultural inequalities, the digitisation of societies and their democratic challenges need to be addressed, we need to consider a radical change in the way we think about language education.

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Location of the conference

University of Bordeaux

35 avenue Abadie, 33 100 Bordeaux

Tram A : station - Jardin Botanique

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